For people who are curious about the population and steets in Williamsburg City, Virginia, here are some statistics. Approximately 1,919 people commute by car and another 138 live on foot, while 26 commute by trolley bus. Data from the U.S. Census Bureau is subject to change. This is a general guide and should not be relied upon as fact. The population and steets of Williamsburg City are subject to change.
The economy of Williamsburg City depends on tourism. Colonial Williamsburg, the city's restored Historic Area, attracts over 4 million visitors each year. However, the modern town is a college town. Many William & Mary students and faculty live here. This is a popular place to visit when in Williamsburg. Despite the city's reliance on tourism, it also has a thriving academic community.
While Williamsburg City is home to the only public elementary school in the city, it is also home to Walsingham Academy, a private Catholic school serving pre-kindergarten through 12th grade. Private schools in Williamsburg include Providence Classical School, Williamsburg Christian Academy, and the Williamsburg Montessori School. The public school system in Williamsburg is among the best in Virginia, and among the top 15% nationally. Two regional Governor's Schools are also available for gifted students in Williamsburg.
Besides the historic district, Williamsburg City is also known for its many attractions, including Colonial Williamsburg, a living history museum that depicts the lifestyles of the colonists in 18th century. This city is also home to the College of William & Mary, the oldest colonial college in the South. Further, Elaine Luria is the representative of Williamsburg City in Congress.