Winigan, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for population and steets in Winigan City, MO, you have come to the right place. Winigan is a small town located just 30 miles from Kansas City. Listed below are the big cities closest to Winigan, MO. If you'd like to find a bigger city, you can try searching for a flight to a larger city nearby.

The city has a population of 69. Since the census was taken, the number of people has decreased by 15.1%. It has a long commute time of 16.2 minutes. The median home price in Winigan is $14,900, and the city's appreciation over the last 10 years is 1.8%. A map of Winigan can be found here. You can use the map to find out more information about the city.

The current population of Winigan is 118 people, with 98 households. The median home value is $82,000. The average household size is 2.48. The median age is 44 years. There are 0.0% black residents and 0.4% Hispanics. The diversity of Winigan's population is below the state and national averages. Considering these factors, it's worth looking at the Winigan, Missouri demographics before you start building a billboard ad.