Bainville, Montana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Bainville is approximately 317 people, and the median home value is $152,700. The population's median age is 39.2 years. There are a total of 58 schools in the area, with a high school graduation rate of 93 percent. As for the racial composition of the city, 61.1% of its residents identify as white, while 12.3% identify as African-American or Hispanic. Another 5.4% identify as other race, and the remaining 17.8% are Hispanic or other race. There were also some non-families living in Bainville. The population was also made up of 37.5% of non-families, with 22.2% of people over 65 years of age living alone.

When comparing the state's poverty rates to the national average, Bainville has the lowest. The local poverty rate is 0.8%, while the national poverty rate is 14.1%. Meanwhile, 13.7% of the people in Montana live below the poverty line. You can also find the state's coronavirus, cost of living, and crime statistics. These numbers are useful when planning a road trip to explore the surrounding area.

The town of Bainville is located in Roosevelt County, Montana. Its population is estimated to be 283 people by the year 2020. It was established in 1876 and is named after Charles M. Bain, a postmaster in the town during the late 19th century. The town recently celebrated its centennial on July 4, 2006, and is home to numerous historic landmarks. For more information on Bainville's town hall, visit its website.