Brusett, Montana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Getting to know the Population & Steets in a city like Brusett requires a bit of information. While the city itself is relatively safe, crime rates can vary by neighborhood. The map below shows the percentage of violent crime per 100,000 residents in Brusett. The violent crime rate is based on a percentage of the city's population, and this map closely resembles the state population maps.

The percentage of educated residents in a city is often an indication of the quality of a city, as a higher percentage of people with higher education will contribute to the area's economic growth. Men and women have different proportions of educated individuals, and the female population of Brusett MT is slightly higher. In fact, 43.3% of Brusett MT residents have a bachelor's degree, and only 3.5% have a doctorate.

The number of veterans living in Brusett is particularly high, with 74 wartime veterans living in the area. These veterans make up 7.14% of the total population of Brusett MT. This number is considerably higher than the national average of 5.3%, so if you want to see a breakdown of the gender ratio in a city, Brusett might be the place for you.

While the numbers may not be as impressive as those in neighboring cities, they are still a useful guide for people in Brusett City. This city is predominantly white, with a large proportion of people aged between 25 and 34 years old. The majority of people in Brusett City are employed, and the percentage of the population is good. The unemployment rate is at 0%. The average commute time is 24.6 minutes.