Cooke City, Montana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Cooke City is 81% married and 14% single. There are 5% divorced or widowed people living in the city. The city is considered to be relatively safe, with only 41.8% of its residents being considered renter-occupied. The majority of the population lives in single-family homes, with only 46% being renters. The city's population is predominantly white, with a small minority of African-Americans living in the area.

The city is comprised of 75 people, with approximately 96% of residents being white. The median age is 51.5 years, with approximately 10.6% of residents under 20 years of age living in Cooke City. The median age is 51.5 years, with males averaging around 49.8 and females averaging over 60. The median income for residents in Cooke City is $1,125 a month.

The city's economy is solely dependent on tourism, but despite a small population, it has grown to a thriving center for visitors. Dan's daughter, a native of Cooke City, studied tourism at university. The area's winter climate was previously a challenge for the city, but wolf reintroduction has helped to expand tourism and the town's population. The residents of Cooke City have grown up around tourism, and their excellent customer service helps keep tourists happy.

One of the oldest buildings in Cooke City is the Cooke Store, which is still in operation today. The Cooke City Store was the town's main supply center and social hub during the boom period. In fact, it's the only remaining building from that time, and the Cooke City Store was the city's primary source of social interaction. However, this doesn't mean that residents of Cooke City should be concerned about safety in these areas.