Coram, Montana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You may be curious about the population & steets in Coram City. These stats are useful to find out more about your community. These statistics are based on the area surrounding Coram, MT. If you are planning to visit Coram, MT, or just want to know more about the city, this list can help. The list includes several cities within 107 miles of Coram, MT.

In Coram, NY, the median age was 40.7 years old in 2019. This is older than the age of its native-born residents, who were only 38 years old. However, the average age was only 41 years old in 2018. The most common foreign-born birthplace was the Dominican Republic, with 501,381 residents originating from that country. The next most common foreign-born birthplace was China, followed by Jamaica.

The census-designated place Coram has a population of 39,113 people, which has increased by 3.06% since the 2010 Census. Coram has an average household income of $102,462 and a poverty rate of 7.44%. The median rent is $2,081 a month, and the median house value is $328,500. The median age is 38.1 years old, with males being slightly older than females.

The number of renter-occupied housing units in Coram, NY is 32.1%, higher than the state-wide average of 64.1%. This indicates that more people than ever are living in rented houses. The number of renters is even higher than the poverty rate in neighboring cities, such as East Patchogue and East Haven. The city has a median household income of $80,899, which is considerably higher than the national average.