Dupuyer, Montana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Dupuyer is approximately 2,400 people. The city is located in the region of Central Montana. The population is made up of residents of different ethnicities. The ethnic composition is largely comprised of whites. Only 12.3% of the population is black. Moreover, there are also 0.7% people who are American Indian. However, 17.8% of the population is Hispanic. Another 2.6% people identify as some other race. The population is also broken down by ethnicity, and the census asks people to specify their ancestry. Norwegian and German ancestry are the most common, followed by English, Scottish, and Irish. The next highest ethnic concentrations in the Census-designated place are Belgian and Austrian.

Crime rates in Dupuyer are higher than in surrounding cities. It is also higher than the Montana state and national averages. However, compared to the surrounding cities, the area is relatively safe. The city's crime rate is higher than that of surrounding areas, but it is well below the national average. This indicates that crime rates are high in this area. But, you shouldn't worry because crime rates are low in most areas.

The Census-designated place of Dupuyer is in the state of Montana. Its population is less than 2,500 people. Its median household income is $31,250. Dupuyer has a small percentage of people who live in poverty. There is a single elementary school and one high school for its residents. There are a total of 88 businesses located in the city. If you're looking to live in the city of Dupuyer, then you should check the local statistics first.