Fort Harrison, Montana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

There are 54 people residing in Fort Harrison City, Pennsylvania. The median age is 20.9, and the sex composition is 93.7% male and 3.7% female. Fort Harrison has about 19 residents who live in the same house as last year. These statistics are from the 2010 U.S. Census, and we cannot guarantee their accuracy. Please consider these numbers as a guide only. Listed below are other interesting facts about Fort Harrison City.

The median household income for residents of Harrison City, Pennsylvania is $49,398. The poverty rate is 17%, which is well below the national average. For every 100 people in the area, approximately 0 live in poverty. The top three occupations in Harrison City are Management, Business & Financial Operations, and Computer & Mathematical Occupations. This is also the fastest-growing part of Pennsylvania.

The city's street grid is anchored by Cleveland Street, which is a pedestrian-oriented main street. The city needs to be safe, appealing, and pedestrian-friendly to draw people. The right-of-way will address the needs of all users and encourage pedestrian-oriented development. The right-of-way and street grid are critical to creating a livable community. A pedestrian-friendly street grid and small block sizes will create an environment where people can walk without feeling intimidated.