Galata, Montana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This article provides an overview of the Population & Steets in Galafrey. It's important to note that this population was not always represented in historical records, which may be misleading. In fact, many historical documents show a much smaller population than is actually represented here. Nonetheless, Galata is an important city for a number of reasons. For example, it was home to many Jewish and Christian communities. Its modern-day population is more than twice as large.

While there is a small amount of Hispanic population living in Galata, the majority of its population is white. Its median household income is $30,000 and its average household size is 2.54. There are also a lot of young professionals in Galata, with an eighty percent high school graduation rate. About 42% of the population attended college and completed a bachelor's degree. The remaining 5.7% completed a master's or professional degree.

A rich mix of cultures and religions characterized Galata, with a Turkish population that accounted for around half of the city's total population at one time. Similarly, other groups began to settle in Galata, including the Sephardic Jews who came to Istanbul to avoid the Spanish Inquisition. Because of this diversity of populations, Galata had a wide-ranging racial mix.

Because of its location on the opposite side of the Golden Horn, Galata has sometimes stood up to its neighbors. In 1204, the Latin Crusades occupied Constantinople and subsequently took Istanbul and its inhabitants as hostages. The Latins also pillaged Istanbul, which ultimately led to the decline of the Byzantine Empire. This is also the reason why Galata is now considered a cosmopolitan city.