Geyser, Montana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets in Geyer City? There are 95 residents, which makes the poverty rate lower than most cities in America. But that doesn't mean that people living in Geyser don't have to worry. While the cost of living in Geyser is lower than other cities, the average cost of groceries, utilities, and miscellaneous goods is higher than in many large cities.

The wealthiest population in Geyser City is made up of people who make at least $27,000 a year. This is based on a number of measures of affluence, including average household income, average net worth, and the value of material possessions. A city with a wealth index over 100 is considered to be prosperous, while one below 100 is considered poor. Population & Steets in Geyser City

The median property value in Geyser, MT is $120,800, which is higher than the national average. Homeownership in Geyser, MT is 81.8%. Almost all residents drive to work alone, resulting in a 19.8 minute commute. Residents of Geyser own two cars each. Geyser, MT is home to 129 people, and its average income is $27,500.

The area surrounding Geyser is a low bench between the Highwood and Little Belt mountains. The Judith Basin river flows to the north. A small creek, Hay Creek, feeds the south. Arrow Creek flows northeast to the Missouri River. The geyser CDP is a relatively new community, and is expected to have a population of 4,599 by 2020.