Grass Range, Montana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below are the population and steets of Grass Range City, Montana. In the city, the majority of the residents are white. The minority of the community is Black. The median home value in Grass Range is below the state average. Grass Range is home to a relatively low number of foreign-born residents. The black race population is significantly below the state average, which indicates a poor quality of life in this city.

Grass Range has a median household income of $43,750. This is less than the US average of $65,712. Grass Range, MT has a low rate of income inequality, with a 0.46 percent gender pay gap. Of the 54 jobs in the city, most residents work in Construction, Retail Trade, and Other Services Except Public Administration. These industries provide jobs that pay between $30,666 and $28,750 an hour.

Grass Range, MT has a median property value of $47,200. The homeownership rate is 74.6%, and most people commute by car. There are 2 cars per household. Grass Range, MT has 120 residents. The average commute time is 10.7 minutes, and 85% of residents live in a single-family home. There are 7 different races and ethnicities represented in Grass Range, MT.