Highwood, Montana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

To get a good idea of the population and steets in Highwood City, check out these statistics. It is the second smallest city in Illinois in terms of percentage of people that are married. The highest percentage of married couples lives in Riverwoods. In addition, Highwood has a higher percentage of white residents than other communities. There are many reasons why you might be interested in these statistics.

The median household income in Highwood is $45,250, according to 2016 US Census data. In comparison to the average of 13.5% in Illinois, Highwood is more than double the national median. The median age of residents is 43.3 years. The median income for high-school graduates is $101,060. While Highwood is a high-income city, it has a low poverty rate, at just 2.2%.

While Highwood has a low number of non-citizens, it is older than many other areas of the state. Compared to other Chicago suburbs, Riverwoods' median age is higher. The median age of non-citizens in Highwood, Illinois is also lower than in other Chicago suburbs. There are more than five thousand children in Highwood, which is an indicator of a stable economy.

Highwood is located along Lake Michigan in northeastern Illinois. In general, June, August, and September are the most pleasant months for residents. In contrast, January is the least pleasant month. Highwood is home to several arts and crafts bungalows. A quick look at the statistics shows the city's diversity and how its residents live and play. So, if you're looking for a new home, consider Highwood.