Hilger, Montana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and stats of Hilger City are provided for your reference. It is a town located in Montana. If you are planning a trip to Hilger, you may find it useful to know the population of Hilger. You can also find the nearby cities if you are interested in traveling there. They all have the required facilities that will make your stay in Hilger comfortable. In addition to that, you can find many other interesting information about the area.

Crime rates in Hilger are lower than in most cities. The central and northeast areas are generally safer than the rest. While the city has some crime problems, it is far less prevalent than the national average. Because of this, the crime rates in Hilger are lower than the rest of the country. In other words, you will not have to worry about getting robbed or mugged in Hilger. Nevertheless, you should be aware that the area is safe if you want to stay safe.

The population of Hilger is 219. The average household size is 2.54 people. The median home value is $85,000 and the average household size is 2.54. The percentage of males in Hilger is 1.12 to every female. The percentage of residents who graduated high school is also quite high. Of these, 57% dropped out of school and 45% finished. In terms of educational attainment, the percentage of people with a bachelor's degree is 7.8%.