Hungry Horse, Montana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Hungry Horse, Montana is a small town with a population of about 900 people. This city is located ten miles east of Glacier National Park. While Hungry Horse isn't a major city, it's a nice place for a road trip and to take a break from exploring the park.

The city has a per capita income of $22,792, which is lower middle income compared to the rest of Montana. For a family of four, this translates to an income of $91,168. Hungry Horse's residents come from a wide range of backgrounds and ethnicities. The majority are White, with Native Americans being the second most common group. The predominant language is English, while other languages, such as French, Spanish, and German, are also spoken.

The crime rate in Hungry Horse is higher than the national average. However, there are fewer crimes in the city than in many of its neighboring areas. A crime map can be helpful in identifying areas that are safe. This map will show you which areas are safest, where people are most likely to commit crimes, and which areas have the highest crime rates.

Hungry Horse MT is home to many veterans of the Vietnam War. The male population in Hungry Horse is higher than the female population: males earn $44,421 compared to $23,580 for women. This means that the gender wage gap is 0.459. The city is home to 120 people and employs 43 people in the Construction sector. The remaining 20 people are employed in Information, which pays $26,848 annually.