Martinsdale, Montana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets in the Town of Martinsdale? This short history will help you find out. The town has a total population of 63. The average commute time is 0 minutes. Home prices in this city are $219,100. Over the past decade, home values in the town have appreciated by 6.1%. This is a great place to call home if you are looking for a new community.

The population of Martinsdale was relatively even and spread out. Twenty-four percent of residents were under 18 years old, thirty-four percent were between the ages of 25-44, and twenty-six percent were 65 years old and older. The median age was 35 years old. The majority of residents were white. The most common ancestry was Norwegian, followed by Irish and American. The population of the town was made up of more than eighty-six men than females.

The population of the town is 953 as of the 2000 census. Located in the Austin Metropolitan Area, Martindale is an oasis from the I-35 corridor. Residents enjoy a peaceful agricultural environment in a small town setting, yet have easy access to amenities and regional attractions. The San Marcos River flows through the town, which makes it an important destination for recreational recreation. Nancy Martindale, the town's founder, donated the land for the town's development.

In the nineteenth century, the area was populated by large residences. More settlers moved in, and large residences began to populate the area. A few houses were built in the southern part of the town. Two examples of large residences were the A.H. Smith House and the Martindale-Rohlack house. During the early twentieth century, Martinsdale grew into a bustling town, and the Northern Pacific Railroad came to the southern part of the Montana Territory.