Medicine Lake, Montana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population & Steets in Medicine City are available on a variety of levels. The median age in the city is thirty years, and the gender-to-male ratio is 102.6. The average household income in the ZIP code is $36,944, and the per capita income is $20,752. While the area has an average income, many residents are below the poverty line. About 15.3% of the population lives below the poverty line, and 8.5% of the elderly live below it.

The QuickFacts database includes data from the US Census, American Community Survey, Current Population Survey, and the Census of Population and Housing. It also provides statistics for counties and cities. Statistics are available for towns with populations of 5,000 or more. Keep in mind that QuickFacts estimates may not be comparable to other geographic levels, since they are based on sample data, which is subject to sampling error. The Quick Info icon on the left side of each row indicates the sampling error.

The elevation in the city varies by neighborhood. On the east side, the property values are higher than on the west side. This is due to the railroad and inclined grounds, while immigrants tend to find housing on the west side cheaper.