Neihart, Montana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to find out how many people live in Neihart City, Montana? You can find out by visiting the town hall. You can find the town hall's address and hours of operation below. You can also see how far the town hall is from Neihart, MT. If you're planning a trip to Neihart, you'll want to make sure you find out how many people live in Neihart.

Among Neihart City's residents, 37.5% of residents identify as white, while 0% identify as black or Native American. While 0% of the residents identify as Hispanic, the majority of Neihart, MT households own at least one vehicle. The majority of households own one car, while a fraction of them own two or more vehicles. But the proportion of people who own more than one car is higher than the national average.

The median annual income in Neihart, MT is N/A. It has risen by N/A% in the last year. The median annual income is greater than that in neighboring and parent geographies. The number of people employed in the town is also higher than the national average, compared to the national average. The city's median income is higher than the wage for most common occupations in Montana.

Located 60 miles south of Great Falls, Neihart offers a tranquil atmosphere for anyone looking to get away from city life. The city is surrounded by the Little Belt Mountains, which cover more than 1,500 square miles. Neihart's Showdown Ski Area is the town's oldest ski area. This ski resort offers a variety of outdoor activities. The town is also located in the vicinity of the Silverdike mine, one of the world's largest.