Opheim, Montana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Opheim City, Minnesota is 89. Compared to the average U.S. city, Opheim has an above-average livability score. The livability score takes into account education level, crime rate, cost of living, and general happiness of residents. These variables are calculated through advanced statistical models. Opheim has a below-average poverty rate. This is not surprising, as poverty is the number one cause of death in America.

As for Opheim's demographics, the population is composed of middle-aged people looking forward to retirement. The median age of the population is 55. The median family size is 1.5. This city ranks below the state and national averages for diversity. The following table shows the number of violent crimes per 1,000 residents. The population of Opheim is less diverse than the state average and the national average. However, a number of crimes per resident is higher than the national average.

The top paying industry in Opheim is Education Instruction, Library, and Transportation & Warehousing. Other jobs in Opheim, MT include Computer & Mathematical Occupations, Manufacturing, and Financial Services. The highest-paying occupation in Opheim, MT is Total. These occupations account for approximately 7.5% of the total workforce. In the last year, Opheim's employment increased 6.45%.

The median household income in Opheim, MT was $90,042, with 1.04% of households earning less than that amount. The highest-income household in Opheim, MT is N/A, while the lowest-income place is N/A. Among the Opheim, MT population, 61.3% of households were self-employed and 35.5% worked for a government or nonprofit organization. And 3.23 percent of the population used some other means to get to work.