Plentywood, Montana Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Plentywood, Montana is made up of a diverse group of people. The majority of people live in households with one or more cars. The median number of households is two cars, and the highest percentage of households has two vehicles. The majority of the population is insured, with 93.9% of households on employee plans. The remaining 25.7% of households are self-employed or have private insurance. Lastly, 0.505% of residents are in the military or VA.

The per capita income of Plentywood was $41,779 in 2018, which is higher than the national average and equal to $167,116 for a family of four. Plentywood is a diverse city with both wealthy and poor residents. It is reported that the majority of residents are white, with some Norwegian, Korean, and German groups living in the area. Compared to the national average, the median household income in Plentywood is $26,880, making it relatively affordable to live in this city.

The Plentywood city government is responsible for public education. The city has three different schools. The Bank of Bridger, National Association is the most popular bank in Plentywood. Rocky Mountain Bank and Stockman Bank of Montana each have one branch in the city. Overall, there are 3 banks in Plentywood. Those with branches in the city have access to several types of banking. The city has a population of just under 2,500 people.