Chadron, Nebraska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following statistics show the population of Chadron, NE. The city's median property value is $127,200, which is 0.529 times less than the national average. Chadron has a homeownership rate of 54%, which is below the national average of 64.1%. The median commute time for residents of Chadron, NE is 10.1 minutes. People in this city also have a median car ownership rate of two cars per household.

Freda Romine is an active businesswoman in Chadron. She has broad acquaintances throughout Nebraska, and has been a noted theatrical attraction when traveling with her parents. Her father was an avid outdoorsman and was associated with the "Bufifalo Bills" during the time of Colonel Cody. Freda Hartzell was born in Omaha, Nebraska on December 20, 1891. Her parents were James and Mary C. Hartzell, and her father was Solomon.

Among the other things you can find out about Chadron, NE, is the city's population by mode. The USPS uses the default city name for a reason: "Chadron, NE."

Aside from being an early settler in Chadron, Mr. Arnold also helped the community develop. He settled in the Beaver Creek valley in 1885 and worked as a farmer. He is considered to be a significant land owner in Chadron, and his children are known to take a keen interest in the city's progress. He is also a Chapter Mason. His benefactors will remember him as a reliable and substantial man.