Daykin, Nebraska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to learn about the current population and steets in Daykin City, Nebraska, then you've come to the right place. Here are some important statistics about this town. You can also learn about the education levels of its residents. In Daykin, NE, about 22% of residents are unemployed, which means that there are many people who don't have a job. In fact, one person in Daykin has a college degree, and another one has a bachelor's degree.

The population of Daykin, NE is comprised of 186 people of all races and ethnicities. 0.0% of the population is Black, while 0.08% is Hispanic or Latino. The population is also equally divided between White and non-white residents. The average commute time in Daykin, NE is 19.4 minutes. Daykin is home to a median property value of $59,500.

The median household income in Daykin, NE is $42,500, which is less than the average of $65,712 in the United States. The median household income in Daykin, NE was $38,750 in 2018, which represents an increase of 9.68%. Daykin, NE's median household income is equal to that of the neighboring and parent geographies. Most Daykin households are owned by one person.