Diller, Nebraska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Diller, Nebraska is a small town located in Gage County. As of 2011, it was home to around 464 people and two hundred and twenty households. Its median home value is $64,286 and its average household size is 2.52. As of July 2012, Diller, Nebraska was predicted to have a decrease of -4.1 percent in population. The population of Diller is primarily composed of white people, with approximately 120.3% of the population being white, and there are less than two percent of black or Asian residents.

The population of Diller was fairly evenly distributed between males and females. Thirty-nine percent of the population was under the age of eighteen. Twenty-four percent of the population was between the ages of eighteen and twenty-four. Twenty-one percent of the population was between the ages of twenty-four and forty-four. Only 12.1% of the population was sixty-four or older. The median age was 31.1 years. Males outnumbered females by a ratio of nine2.5 to one hundred for males and 90.6 to 100 for females of this age.

The population of Siler City was seven thousand and eight hundred and twenty-five at the 2010 census. Its population is estimated at eight thousand and twenty-five in 2018 (based on the latest available census data). The average temperature in Siler City is 66 degrees Fahrenheit. The city is about 40 miles south of the Virginia border. The climate is mild during the summer months, and there are few cold spells in the region.