Fairbury, Nebraska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information will provide you with some interesting facts about Fairbury City, Nebraska. The city has a population of 3,343 residents, and a racial makeup of 53% White. Compared to other nearby cities, Fairbury has the third highest percentage of white residents (53%). The next most populous group is hispanic, which makes up 5.9 percent of the population (212 people). Despite the small size of the city, Fairbury has many different ethnic groups represented within the community.

In 2019, the population of Fairbury, NE was 3,646, down 6.3% from 2000. The median commute time was 14.5 minutes, less than the national average of 26.4 minutes. The median home value in Fairbury is $72,400, with an appreciation of 3.8% over the past decade. In other words, Fairbury is a great place to live if you have a job. However, if you are considering moving to Fairbury, it may be a good idea to take this into consideration.

In terms of housing affordability, the rent burden of Fairbury is less than the state average of 28.9%. In comparison, neighboring cities like Gresham, Seward, and Omaha have lower rent burdens. Moreover, 78.2% of Fairbury households have an active broadband internet connection. The cost of renting a home in Fairbury, NE is lower than the national average. This is good news for tenants as it means that Fairbury has a lower rent burden.