Gering, Nebraska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Did you know that Gering City, Nebraska, is about 3% smaller than the state of Nebraska? Did you know that Gering City, Nebraska, is also home to several major colleges? And did you know that there are approximately 3,000 residents living in this city? Yes, it's true. The city has an overall median age of 35.9, which is relatively midrange when compared to other places in the state.

As the county seat of Scotts Bluff County, Gering is a mid-sized town situated about 76 miles NE of Cheyenne, Wyoming, and 158 miles east of Aurora, Colorado. The city's population decreased by 7.25% since the 2010 census. Residents of Gering earn an average income of $76,044 per year, and the median house value is $139,600. The median age of residents in Gering is 38 years old, with males at a lower median than their female counterparts.

Residents of Gering city are represented by a variety of backgrounds. The majority are renters, although the town has a higher percentage of owner-occupied housing units. Douglas and Henry both have higher percentages. The city also hosts Oregon Trail Days, a three-day festival that's held during the second week of July. There are several parks and recreation areas in Gering. The city's school district is served by the Gering Public Library.

Gering, NE has a very low percentage of Native residents. Native people, including Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders, make up just 1% of the city's population. The city's Hispanic population is low. It's also important to note that the town's population is mainly white. Therefore, this area is likely to have lower income inequality. For example, Gering's Hispanic population is 0.853% higher than the state average.