Goehner, Nebraska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to find out the population and stats of Goehner City, Nebraska, you've come to the right place. We've compiled the latest demographics data, including the city's population and demographics by race, gender, and age. You can even browse through the list of towns around Goehner to find out what the local population is like. The list also includes cities within 100 miles of Goehner, NE, as well as towns that are thirty miles or less away.

In 2010, the population of Goehner was 179, and it peaked at 192 in 1990. The city's population grew by 0.65% since the last census, but the population is still only 179. The median household income in Goehner is $73,074, with a poverty rate of 0.00%. Rent is - per month, and the median house value is $113,200. The median age in Goehner is 46 years, and males are slightly older than females.

The poverty rate in Goehner is 0.00%, but the national poverty rate is 14.1%, making it the second poorest city in the state. However, the city has an overall higher income than the average, as 75.9% of households have a bachelor's degree or higher. While there are many low-income families in Goehner, a higher median household income can mean more money for you.