Heartwell, Nebraska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

How much does the average person in Hartwell, GA make? The median household income is $29,593, which is lower than the United States' median of $65,712. You can view Hartwell, GA's income distribution by category to see how you stack up. The table below shows the median household income of residents in Hartwell, GA compared to that of its neighboring and parent geographies.

As of the 2010 Census, the population of Hartwell, GA was 3,045. More people lived in Hartwell than in nearby cities. Its main road is U.S. Route 29, which leads east seven miles to the South Carolina state line, west 11 miles to Bowersville, and southwest twelve miles to Royston. The nearest major cities are Anderson, South Carolina, and Athens, Georgia, which are both 23 miles to the northeast.

Hartwell, GA has a median property value of $89,700. Its homeownership rate is 49.1%, and 98.2% of the population lives in single-family homes. Most residents commute by car, with a 20 minute average. The median income of residents in Hartwell, GA is $29,593.