Naponee, Nebraska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are curious about the current population and steets in Naponee City, NE, read on to learn more. Below you will find the most important facts. First of all, let's define a housing unit. A housing unit is a house, apartment, mobile home, room, or other structure used as a dwelling. The percentage of renter-occupied housing units was 19.2% in 2010. This number is lower than the neighboring cities.

When the railroad was built, Naponee grew quickly. Many business houses were opened and the population rose to four hundred people. In 1879, W. A. Connell founded a newspaper in Naponee and it lasted until the early 1880s, when the paper was discontinued. The town fell on hard times after this. The Republican River is just across the street, but the town has a strong sense of community.

The city of Naponee is located within 163 miles of several large cities. A few of these cities have airports within easy driving distance of Naponee. Alternatively, if you're interested in exploring other parts of the state, you can search for nearby towns. Listed below are some of the biggest and busiest airports in Naponee. You can also find out what other cities are like by searching for them on Google Maps.

The population of Naponee city was 99 at the 2010 census. The population is forecast to grow to one thousand eight hundred by 2022. However, this number has decreased by 33.5% since 2000. In terms of average income, Naponee households earn around $50,088 per year. The poverty rate is 8.62%. The median cost of living in Naponee is - per month. The median home value is $34,600.