Oak, Nebraska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in Oak, UT? There are approximately 490 White residents living in Oak City, UT, while the next two largest racial groups are Hispanic and Two+. Of those, about 1.46% of the population are Hispanic. The chart below shows the racial breakdown of the population of Oak City. Listed below are the seven major races present in the city.

The Town of Oak City is a census-designated place, with a Census Class Code of C1. As a result, it does not serve as a county subdivision, but a municipality. The city is assigned a Functional Status Code of "A" indicating that it is a city with an active government that performs primary general-purpose functions. Oak City, UT is located in the Delta Division of Millard County, Utah, which is one of 20 states that use Census County Divisions (CCDs) to keep track of subdivisions within counties.

The market area is home to more than 100 businesses. Over half of those businesses employ people who are Hispanic. Interestingly, this growth has surpassed that of nearby cities since 2000. The city's growth is projected to continue through 2014, though it is expected to slow down somewhat after that. Its forecasts show that the population of the Market Area will reach 13,644 and 3,963 households in five years. The median age for residents in the area is 31.4 years.