Ohiowa, Nebraska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in finding out the Population & Steets of Ohiowa City, Nebraska, you've come to the right place. The following information will help you get a good idea of the city's population and other relevant information. You can learn more about the area's residents and their families by reading the following information. You'll also find out the median household income in Ohiowa, NE, which is $42,708 per person.

The population of Ohiowa City is 121, which is lower than the national average of 176.4. The average commute time is 16.3 minutes, which is much lower than the US average of 26.4 minutes. The median home price in Ohiowa is $33,300, and home appreciation is 22.3% over the last ten years. However, if you want to live in Ohiowa, you'll need to spend a little more than that.

The average income for a household in Ohiowa City is $34,977. A family with two people can make up to $57,000. The median income for a single person is $28,281. The per capita income in the city is $20,269. In terms of poverty, 2.7% of families and 4.7% of the population live below the federal poverty line. Likewise, 10.2% of children under the age of 18 live in poverty.

In terms of growth, Iowa City's population lagged behind the other Johnson County cities. Although Iowa City saw a 10.3% increase in the past decade, it lags behind the other cities in the county. The county as a whole ballooned from 130,882 people in 2010 to 152,854 people in 2020. Tiffin, for example, doubled its population to 4,512 people. And North Liberty more than tripled its population to 19,450 by 2020.