Red Cloud, Nebraska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Here is information on the Population & Steets in Redcloud City, Nebraska. This information is derived from the United States Postal Service and shows the population for the city. This population can be used to plan a trip to the area. You can also use the data to find out more about the local community. The table below shows the current population of Red Cloud and what the future population will look like.

In 2019, the population of RedCloud, NE was 1.1k, down from 1,118 the previous year. The median household income was $32,300 and grew by 14.5%. The percentage of people who live below the poverty line was 17.1%. Children made up 13.7% of the population. A majority of the population is in the labor force. The median age is 47. For every 100 women, there were 82.4 males.