Saronville, Nebraska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In this article we'll take a look at the Population & Steets of Saronville City. Hopefully, it will help you make up your own mind. This is an easy way to learn a little bit about the city. After all, what's a city without a population? The good news is that the city of Saronville has both a population of 3,000 or more!

According to the 2010 census, there were 6,187 residents in the city. The majority of these residents were adults, with 37.5% being under the age of 18. Those who were not yet 18 were represented by 7.7% of households. The city has a median age of 39 years. As a whole, males outnumbered females by 92.7:1 for every 100 females. Those who are seniors or disabled are represented by 14.6% of the population.

The city has a total population of 10,214, including residents of voting age. The gender split is 50:1. There are approximately ten families for every 1,000 individuals. One in four residents lives in poverty. The unemployment rate in the city is 1.2% among residents aged sixteen and older. The city is home to 6.6% of government employees. The median household income is $61,378. When we look at the socioeconomic status of the city, it is important to remember that there are many people who are unemployed and need a job.

The population of Sharonville is expected to reach 14,229 by the end of 2020. It was the 245th largest city in the United States in 2010 and now ranks 2,463rd in the US. The median house value is $152,800, and the median rental cost is $984. The median age is 39.9 years, with males having an average age of 36 and females.