Wahoo, Nebraska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Trying to find out the population and steets in Wahoo City? Try using the street view app! There are several options, including the one you are using right now. You can also download a map and see the area in detail. Listed below are the population and steets in the Wahoo area. If you have not yet been to Wahoo, make sure to check out our map to find the area.

The rent burden in Wahoo is the percentage of household income that is spent on rental housing. This measure helps determine whether housing is affordable in a city. The rent burden in Wahoo is lower than that of the state of Nebraska, Louisville, and Greenwood, which are both 21.2%. In 2016, 34.7% of households lived in Wahoo. Despite the relatively low rent burden, the area is not particularly affordable - most residents live in homes over $580 a month.

In Wahoo, NE, the most common racial groups include white, black, and Hispanic. The highest percentage of households owning 3 or more cars is among the white group. While a small percentage of households own false cars, more than 95% of people are covered by health insurance. This figure includes workers in three categories: service industry, blue-collar jobs, and white-collar occupations.