Wauneta, Nebraska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When it comes to the population and steets of Wauneta City, NE, the median household income is $47188. While the national median is $65,712, the city is slightly below that figure. Families earning under this threshold typically make less than $40,500 per year. While the median household income is low, it is higher than the state average. Listed below are the major racial and ethnic groups in the city.

As of 2010, 80.3% of Wauneta City, NE residents drove to work alone. Compared to that, 6.35 percent of residents walked to work, and 5.69 percent worked from home. On the chart below, the percentage of households using each mode of transportation over the past five years is shown in a logarithmic scale. The percentage of households that own cars is shown below, with an average of three.

The median age of residents was 50.4 years. A fifth of households had a child under the age of eight. Twenty-four percent were married couples, while 25.7% were single-person households. One-fourth were non-families. Another third of households were made up of single people, while 16.5% were senior citizens living alone. The gender makeup of the population was 46.1% male and 53.9% female.