Wilber, Nebraska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Wilbert City, NE is a snapshot of the city's economic and social status. With a population of 1,716 people, the median household income is $50,938. However, it's not always that easy to determine which aspects of life in Wilber are most important to residents. Below, you will find out more about the median property value, household income, and more.

The population of Wilber is 1,809, up 0.9% since 2020. Commuting time is 21.1 minutes. A median home is $128,500, and the average home appreciation in Wilber is 3.6% in the past 10 years. This is a good place to move if you're in the area. There's a lot to see! So, be sure to take the time to explore the statistics of Wilber.

The average age of Wilber's residents was 39.5 years old in 2019. This was lower than the state's average for both natives and foreigners. In 2018, Wilber had a median age of 41. The most common country of birth for foreign-born residents in Wilber, NE was Mexico, followed by Guatemala and India. You can also look at the median household income in Wilber and see if you can reach this level of income.

There are several ways to get information about the area's racial and ethnic makeup. Most people in Wilber are white, while 12.3% are black. However, there are also a few ethnic groups, including Hispanics. The highest proportion of households in Wilber, NE own two cars. In the Wilber, NE area, nearly 95% of residents have health insurance. These people are most likely to have a family plan with a high-deductible plan or Medicare-only insurance.