Winnetoon, Nebraska Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below are statistics for the Population & Steets in Winnettoon City, Nebraska. These statistics show the percentage of residents of all races in Winnetoon, NE. The ratio of males to females is 50.0%, and 0.0% of residents identify as Black, Hispanic or Latino. One hundred percent of residents identify as white. The remainder of residents are either Asian, American Indian, or Alaska Native.

The average income in Winnetoon, NE is $46,453. This means that males earn about $13,880 more than females. The income inequality is 0.444, lower than the national average. There are 38 people working in the local economy. The most common industries are Manufacturing (48125) and Retail Trade (9 people). These industries pay the most per person, which is the reason why they're the most common employment sector in the area.

The median household income in Winnetoon, NE is $51,384. This is higher than the national average of $43,500. There are no families with children who earn less than the median. The city's median house value is $34,100. The median age is 54.8 years old, which is also higher than the national average. For more information on Winnetoon, NE, visit the City Data Center.