There are many sources for Population & Steets in Cal-Nev-Ari, NV, but none are as reliable as the US Census Bureau. Listed below are some key data points you should keep in mind when deciding to move to this area. The first thing you should consider is the median household income in Cal-Nev-Ari, NV. In addition to national averages, you'll want to consider the median household income in Cal-Nev-Ari, NV. The following chart shows the median household income in Cal-Nev-Ari, NV.
The population of Cal-Nev-Ari is 244 people. This city is in the state of Nevada and is close to Washington, DC. It is located approximately 2,085 miles (3356 km) west of the United States capital. The population density of the city is relatively low, which may explain why crime is lower in certain areas than in others. Moreover, crime rates may be higher where people congregate, such as parks.
The median property value in Cal-Nev-Ari, NV is $72,300, which is 10.4% lower than the national average. Homeownership rate in Cal-Nev-Ari, NV is 76.8%, while the median household income is $23,500. The median age in Cal-Nev-Ari, NV is 69.9 years old. 0 residents in the community are white, while 72% are hispanic.