Crescent Valley, Nevada Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the Steets & Population of Crescent Valley City, California? Are you looking for some information on Crescent Valley City real estate? There are several sources of information. Read below to get the latest information about Crescent City. In addition to local newspaper sources, you can find information on the State of California and the United States Geological Survey. These resources have detailed information on the population and geography of Crescent Valley City.

QuickFacts information is based on data from the U.S. Census Bureau's 2020 American Community Survey. Census Bureau updates these figures every year when new data becomes available. The information is not guaranteed to be accurate or complete. Always verify data from credible sources. You can find out the median age, race, and education level of residents in Crescent Valley, Nevada. Once you know these numbers, you can make decisions on housing and other matters.

The United States Geological Survey also includes information on the local economy. It reveals that the local economy has grown by 26% in the last decade. In addition to its vibrant economy, Crescent City is a center for education and research. The local library is located at 5043 Tenabo Avenue, while the Beowawe-Crescent Valley Justice Court is located at 520 Fifth Street. Crescent City has many other important public facilities.

The area's demographics are diverse. Approximately 1,319 people live in Crescent Valley City. Twenty-one percent of the population lives in households where a woman is the only householder. The rest of the population is comprised of non-families, with 35.8% consisting of single people. Several senior citizens live alone. The city's average household size is two people, but the average family size is three.