This article will explore the population and steets of Ely City, MN. The city is located in the Great Basin National Park, surrounded by mountains. The city's population fluctuates from 4,255 at the 2010 census to 4,124 at the 2017 census. However, it is committed to growing responsibly and sustainably, while retaining a high quality of life. Population and steets in Ely City are available on AreaVibes.
Crime rates in Ely City are higher in areas of the town near airports and major recreational areas, such as parks and lakes. But, the crime rate in the city itself may not be so high if crime is concentrated in areas that are safe. Regardless of whether or not a place is safe or dangerous, crime does happen where people are. If you're wondering whether Ely is a safe city for families to live, consider looking at Crime Grade Ely's crime map.
The population of Ely is mixed. The largest racial group is White. However, many Ely residents are African-American or Black. Other important ancestry groups in Ely include Norwegian, German, and Slovene. Most Ely residents speak English as their primary language. However, Spanish and Polish are also widely spoken in the city. There are no statistics on Ely's population growth, so the city is experiencing a lack of affordable housing.