Laughlin, Nevada Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are interested in learning more about the Population & Steets in a city, you may want to learn about Laughlin West. Its real estate is primarily comprised of medium-sized single-family homes and high-rise apartments. Most of the housing stock is owner-occupied. Its homes and apartment complexes were built between 1970 and 1999. You may also be interested in learning about the Laughlin West neighborhood's high percentage of service and sales workers.

Laughlin is a city in Nevada. In the census, approximately 7.97k people lived there, an increase from seven thousand five hundred two years ago. The median household income in Laughlin was $33,851 in 2014, and $35,971 in 2019. The most common language spoken by residents is English. A small number of residents also speak Spanish, Italian, or German.

In addition to walking, Laughlin residents can use public transportation to get to work. Most households in Laughlin commute by car, although you can also take the trolley or bus. It's easy to spot a desirable neighbor in a neighborhood that offers a car parking space for residents. Laughlin West also has the shortest commute in the country! So if you're thinking about moving to Laughlin City, you should consider the population and steets first.

Laughlin has a low percentage of renters. The state-level rent burden is 30.1%, while neighboring cities, including Las Vegas and Bullhead City, have much higher rent burdens. In Laughlin, 59.1% of households live in rentals, which is lower than the national average of 64.1%. A large number of evictions may indicate a weak economy.