Looking for a population and steets for Logandale, NV? You've come to the right place. This city is located in Logan County, Nevada. The population of Logandale is 2,778 people. Its population density is relatively low, making it a desirable place to live. If you're looking for crime rates in Logandale, you'll find them on the map below.
For the most up-to-date demographics for the city, visit QuickFacts.com. This online resource features maps showing the number of people in each neighborhood. The number of people of each racial group varies by neighborhood. The darker the shade, the higher the racial population is. You can also look up data on the diversity score of Logandale to determine how diverse it is.
The most common race in Logandale is white. Ninety percent of people aged twenty-five and over have a high school education, while just over one-fifth are bachelor degree-holders. Households are comprised of all people who live in a home or housing unit. Households are further divided into families and non-families. The vast majority of households are married couples with children. The number of vacancies in Logandale City is slightly below the national average.