Are you looking for the population and steets for Mountain City? The following data will give you some insights. The median property value in Mountain City is $141,500, which is 0.588 times smaller than the national average. The homeownership rate is 57.8%, and the commute time to work is 24.8 minutes. Most residents commute by car. 54% of the population lives in a home, and 49% of households own one.
The population of Mountain City, Tennessee, was 2,383 at the time of the 2000 census. It is located along US Highway 421, which connects Mountain City with Bristol, Tennessee and Wilkesboro, North Carolina. Tennessee State Route 67 passes through the city, connecting it with Elizabethton and Damascus, Virginia. The city's median age is 45.7 years. A majority of residents in Mountain City are foreign-born. The country of origin for more than ninety-seven percent of foreign-born citizens in Mountain City is Mexico.
The median household income in Mountain City was $16,587, while the median family income was $31,406. This means that there are two different ways to find the median household income: by age. In 2010, there were a total of 1,136 households, with a combined median income of $26,042. Thirty-four percent of the population was under the age of eighteen. Twenty-seven percent of the population was 65 years old or older, making Mountain City a low-income area.