The following article will give you the population and steets of Searchlight City. If you'd like to learn more about the town's history, check out the following resources. If you'd like to know the population breakdown of Searchlight City, Nevada, see the Census page. You'll also find the number of renter-occupied housing units in Searchlight. Despite the town's low population density, there are a few interesting facts about Searchlight.
The median household income in Searchlight, NV is $30,750. There are 318 residents per square mile. Those living in Searchlight are 26 times more likely to be white than anyone else. The poverty rate is 6.2%, making the city a safe place to raise a family. The median age is 39.7 years old. Those living in Searchlight, NV also earn higher than the national average.
The highest paying jobs in Searchlight, NV include Management, Business, & Science Occupations, and Office / Administrative Support Jobs. These three industries account for almost half of the employment in the city. In terms of earnings, men make an average of 1.28 times more than women, or $5 less than women. These figures reflect an increasing trend in searchlight. And, of course, a strong economy means the city's population is likely to continue to grow.