Silverpeak, Nevada Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking to purchase a home in Silverpeak City, NV, you may be wondering what the population & steets are like. The population of Silver Peak City is composed of 264.0% whites, 0.0% blacks, and 16.5% Hispanics. In addition, the median household income is $37,308, and the average household income is $46,370. As far as educational attainment is concerned, the city has a high school graduation rate of 70 percent.

As for the area, Silver Peak, Nevada is located in the Pacific Time Zone. The city is less than 2,500 people. As for internet service, the area is quite small and has a very low speed of 0 Mbps for both wired and wireless internet. However, there are a few towns nearby, and there are several internet service providers available in Silver Peak. There is no cell service, so you should plan on getting a slow connection if you live in Silver Peak.

As for the population, the area is home to around 188 households. The median property value is $36,800, and the homeownership rate is 49.4%, which is lower than the national average of 64.1%. Also, the average commute time for people living in Silverpeak, NV is 8.79 minutes. It is not uncommon for people to commute by car. Similarly, there is a 2 car per household.