The population of Walker Lake City, Nevada is comprised of 232 White people, 55 Two+ (Non-Hispanic), and 20 Asian people. Asians represent the third largest group among the population, with 7.46%. About half of the population of Walker Lake is employed in some type of service or a trade. The lowest-paid jobs are in sales, retail, or food service.
The most common occupations in Walker Lake, NV are Health Care & Social Assistance, Public Administration, and Professional, Scientific, & Technical Services. The highest-paying industries in Walker Lake, NV include Public Administration, Professional, Scientific, and Management Services, and Total. Compared to the other states, Nevada has lower wages than its neighboring communities. In fact, the median salary in Walker Lake is $23,864.
The median property value in Walker Lake is $112,500, which is 0.468 times smaller than the national average. The median household income in Walker Lake, NV is $23,864. The homeownership rate in Walker Lake, NV is 79.7%, higher than the national average of 64.1%. Most people in Walker Lake, NV drive alone to work. Approximately 35% of the population speaks a language other than English.