Located in the Elko County, Nevada, West Wendover is a thriving tourism town known for its iconic giant cowboy statue. The city is also the termination point for alternate US-93 and Union Pacific railroad, which runs through the town. It is home to the Elko County Courthouse, a public library, and several restaurants. In addition, the city is home to five casinos.
West Wendover has a population of 4,422 people. The area has a high unemployment rate of over 6%, making it an ideal place to live if you're looking for a new place to call home. The median gross monthly rent is $733, and 85.4% of households in the city have at least one broadband Internet connection. This means that the people of West Wendover have plenty of choices for entertainment.
The median age of all residents in West Wendover, NV was 32. This includes both native-born residents and foreign-born citizens. Of those native-born residents, only 9% were under the age of 18. The remaining 25.1% of households were made up of non-families. One-sixth of the city's residents were single. Those who were 65 years or older lived alone.
There are several housing types in West Wendover. Besides single-family homes, the city has duplexes, triplexes, apartment complexes, and mobile home parks. There are approximately 35 subdivision/housing developments, totaling about 1,500 units. The average house value in the city is less than half of the state's median. The median age is lower than the state average. The Hispanic race population is significantly higher than the rest of the population.