Alton Bay, New Hampshire Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets in Altoon Bay City? This article will discuss the various factors that impact the Alton Bay City population. The first thing to consider is Alton's overall racial makeup. The population of Alton is primarily White. However, there are many ethnicities and racial groups living in Alton. In addition, the Alton Bay City's average income is $43,447.

The city's population was estimated at 20,261 in 2010 by the U.S. Census Bureau. About half of the population was under the age of eighteen, and almost two thirds of the population was between 18 and 24 years old. Thirty-six percent of residents lived in households with two people, and the rest of the population was 45-64 and over. There were also a few elderly individuals living in the area, and the median age was 39. There were more male residents than females, with nineteen males to every one hundred females.

Despite the fact that the population of this community is predominantly white, the median household income is only $63,462, which is significantly lower than the national average. While money isn't everything, it's important to understand that the people in this town are less wealthy than their neighbors in other parts of town. However, that's not to say that people in Alton Bay City have nothing to be thankful for.