Center Sandwich, New Hampshire Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the most prominent features of the city center of Center Sandwich, Wisconsin? It's the population. Among other things, the population is divided into several neighborhoods. Each neighborhood has its own unique characteristics. For example, Melvin Village CDP has the highest percentage of married couples in Sandwich, and Sandwich is home to the third-highest number of singles. The other two neighborhoods are located near the center of town.

According to the United States Census Bureau, 82.8% of people in Center Sandwich, NH, drove to work alone. Just 15.1% worked from home. The chart below shows the proportion of households that use each type of transportation over time. The graph's logarithmic scale on the y-axis helps illustrate variations in smaller means of transportation. For example, men in Sandwich are 16.8% older than women in the median age group.

The median property value in Center Sandwich, NH is $282,400. About 45.6% of the households live below the federal poverty line. The unemployment rate is 14.4%, and the percentage of non-working households is 16.5%. The median age in the city is 39.3 years old. Center Sandwich, NH has a low crime rate of 0.25%. There are also a wide variety of neighborhoods and public schools in the city.

The town of Sandwich is a national center. It is situated on the shores of Lake Michigan and has the least comfortable weather months. The weather is pleasant in the rest of the year, with warm days and cold winters. But the city does have some rainy days. It is also known for its low-lying southeast corner, near Little Rock Creek and Harvey Creek Preserve. The town has a number of historic sites and places of interest.