East Hampstead, New Hampshire Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This article will discuss the population & steets of East Hampstead City. In total, there are around 2,086 residents in East Hampstead. Out of this, about 612 are under 20 years of age. Twenty-one-year-olds comprise 62,165 of the total population. The remaining 3,566 residents are over the age of 18.

The crime rate in East Hampstead is lower than the state average for similar-sized cities. In fact, the city has a crime rate of 0.00 per 1,000 residents. This means that the city is safer than many other cities in the United States. The southeast region is considered to be the safest area in East Hampstead. If you want to be sure that your neighborhood is safe, you can look at the crime rate in other nearby cities.

The population of Hampstead shifted from predominantly white to African-American in the 1960s. The transition was not overnight. In fact, it took a few years for the neighborhood to become more diverse. In 1954, the Charleston School Board purchased the old Alms House and demolished it to make way for a new public school. This new school was named after educator Wilmot Jefferson Fraser.

The population of East Hampstead is about 2,293 people, with a drop of 7.6% from 2020. The city has numerous wired providers, including HughesNet. Regardless of your choice, there are likely a number of people who live in East Hampstead without wired internet. However, if you live in the city, it will be beneficial to you to find a cable company that offers internet service.