East Kingston, New Hampshire Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below are the major cities and towns near East Kingston, NY. These are useful if you're looking for a specific city and are trying to plan a trip to the area. You can also use these to find cities located within 100 miles of East Kingston, NY. By providing a location for each town, you can also determine the number of people living in each area. If you're unsure about where to stay, these towns are great places to start.

The eastern half of East Kingston City is surrounded by the Piscataqua River, and the northern portion lies within the Merrimack River watershed. The highest point in the city is Morse Hill at 315 feet above sea level. Despite being surrounded by water, the town has an active history. The area is also dotted with historical buildings. Listed below are some important facts about this town and its population.

The most common language spoken in East Kingston is English. The city has a population of 100% native English speakers. Approximately 17.8% of residents identify as Hispanic, and 2.6% are Native Hawaiian. In addition, English and Dutch are the most common languages spoken. Moreover, the most concentrated ancestry groups in East Kingston are West Indian, Jamaican, and Haitian. However, other languages, such as French, Italian, and Spanish, are not as common.