Marlow, New Hampshire Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When you think about the population and the stats in Marlow City, Oklahoma, you're probably not surprised to learn that it is 5.7% bigger than Oklahoma. Its population is actually just over 900 people, and is a mere three miles away from the state's capital. This is not an area to be underestimated, however. With the recent growth in the city, you should keep these numbers in mind as you move ahead with your plans.

The city's population is comprised of a diverse mix of people, from families with two children to retirees. Marlow's single population is around 52%, and the city's percentage of married couples is higher than Sterling's. This means that people in both cities are likely to have similar interests and activities. Nonetheless, it is better to check the demographics of both cities and find out the population and stats of each.

The population of Marlow has grown by 340 percent in the past 49 years, with a growth rate of 39 percent between 1970 and 1990. It ranks 207th among New Hampshire's incorporated cities and towns. While the information above comes from reliable sources, errors may occur and data may be revised or omitted without prior notice. This article does not purport to be an official census, so its content cannot be relied upon as being 100% accurate.

The walkability of a Marlow home is a factor that many buyers consider when deciding which neighborhood to live in. Houses in the area should be relatively similar and there should be plenty of parking space. It is also helpful to consider the neighborhood's maintenance, as it can indicate whether or not desirable neighbors live in the area. If you want a quieter neighborhood, Marlow is not the place for you.